The Smiley Teacher


Mrs. Ballou

When asked who brings joy to us at Frost, Ms. Ballou was the first person that came to mind. With her kindness and happy personality, classes are always enjoyable.

Alongside being a teacher, Ms. Ballou has written 5 historical screenplays, and authors have hired her to turn their books into scripts. She was hired to write two TV pilots, one sci-fi teens and a drama. Ms. Ballou has continued to spread happiness throughout all 15 years of her teaching career.

Growing up I was taught and I believe that people are inherently good and when we treat each other with kindness and respect, we affect others to do the same.”

Ms. Ballou likes to write and teach because she hopes that she will inspire people to be their best selves and to motivate them to achieve their goals. “When people rise to become who they are meant to be, whole communities are changed for the better because we all benefit when we share our different talents and abilities.” 

Fun Facts about Ms. Ballou

Ms. Ballou generally likes to read historical fiction and articles, and one of her favorite book series’ is The Outlanders Series by Diana Gabaldon. Ms. Ballou’s favorite beverage is lemonade. A location Ms. Ballou is dying to go to is Istanbul. A destination she wants to go to in Istanbul is the Hagia Sophia, a famous mosque in Istanbul, a transcontinental capital.