Megamind is a Masterpiece

To be frank, the movie Megamind is a masterpiece.

The details and emotions are relatable and fun. Megamind’s character is developed masterfully. With an engaging and informative explanation of the history and rivalry between Megamind and Metro Man, it gets you hooked immediately. Full of amazing plot twists that leave you on the edge of your seat as you watch. From Metro Man’s death to Megamind contemplating whether or not he should be the bad guy. Mixed in with some romance with Metro Man, Megamind, and Titan all fighting for Roxanne.       

     Some might think that it is too much. But I think it was just enough to not be too much, while also being interesting and consuming. I definitely recommend this movie to every age, it’s just one of those movies that doesn’t get old. This movie currently has 4.8 stars and over a thousand reviews.