In soccer, scoring goals is the only way teams win games. It looks easy, but it isn’t. This article will give you the steps you need for the best soccer form, so you can score lots of goals.
“This form helps soccer players get better at scoring, which gives them confidence,” said Bella A. Bella is a Frost student, and plays soccer. She is an offensive player.
It is very important so that the shot is balanced and aimed well, all while giving the kicker power to strike.
First, make sure that, during your practice, the ball is still. This might not be the case in an actual game, but it helps you get a sense of where exactly to strike the ball, and gives you a chance to practice the form itself before kicking.
Next, when you are about to run up to kick the ball, make sure you are coming from that direction. If you are using your right foot, back up, and come at the ball from the left, at an angle. If you are kicking with your left foot, run at the ball from the right, though still in a diagonal direction.
Then, make sure that the foot you aren’t using to kick is planted right next to the ball. “It increases accuracy and power,” Bella says of this step. If you put your foot too far forward in front of the ball, your kicking leg will only graze the tip of the soccer ball. Too far back, and you could miss the ball completely. It also centers players.
After running up to the ball and planting your foot, raise your striking leg all the way back behind you. It is important that you lift it all the way back to have more power in your shot and make it go far.
When you raise your leg, remember to lock your ankle in place, making sure that it’s pointed, or straight up. By doing this, you can avoid injuries because you aren’t using your toes to kick the ball, you’re using your laces, and there is even more power in the center of your foot. To keep your balance, you might also need to raise your arms.
Finally, make sure to, when you’re lowering your leg to strike the ball, keep your ankle locked and pointed, and strike the ball with your laces. This step is tricky, so practice it a few times. “If they don’t strike the ball right, it won’t have enough power and might go the wrong way,” said Bella.
After kicking the ball, you must make sure to follow through on your shot. Jump into your form when you plant your foot, making it easier and faster to shoot. Now that you have all the steps, remember to run up, plant your foot, raise, lock the ankle, strike and follow through, landing on the foot you kicked with, to increase accuracy.
“You’re never really perfect at it,” said Bella. It takes lots of practice and discipline over a long period of time, but continue to use these steps, and you’ll find your perfect shot!