“On Fridays I wake up, do normal school stuff, go to Track until 3:30, do homework for an hour, and go to soccer.” said Simryn, a girl who plays soccer at least three times a week, and still manages to have straight A’s!
Many students battle sleep deprivation and stress because they have evening sports and a big chunk of homework that takes them all night to finish. Luckily, Simryn has a way to manage time wisely, and make time for sports and school. She said it will help you later in life to balance work and time with family/friends.
If you lack this skill, there is a chance that you will be too busy with sports to study. Without studying, your grades could plummet, which Simryn said negatively affects you later in life. Grades are important! If they drop, you probably won’t be able to do a sport.
Still, it wouldn’t be good just to give up your sports, they’re just as important as school! Many people agreed with Simryn when she said that sports are a lot more fun than schoolwork. They also help you stay healthy and increase your social skills. Simryn has become amazing friends with her soccer teammates!
An important thing to think about when doing this is that middle school students like Simryn usually have a couple hours after school before they have to go to their sport. Use this time to do work, and you can accomplish a lot! Don’t be a couch potato! If you put in the effort, this time could be used to do homework or study, and you could still have time left over to chill.
Most sports go pretty late, and take up your whole evening. A mistake that many students make is doing work after them. This causes them to stay up really late, and results in only 5-7 hours of sleep. According to FCPS, we need 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep each night. Losing sleep is a big deal, it can affect your grades and performance in your sport, so make sure you do work after sports.
“I maintain my grades because I make time to study outside of school, and use my best effort,” said Simryn. This work ethic helps her get through soccer and school successfully. If you follow her steps, you can be just like her!