Lately there has been a lot of extra attention towards the Kansas City football star, Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. Ever since the two became a couple, the media and attention has been on them non stop. Travis’s family is also getting extra attention. During games if Taylor Swift is there, the camera is constantly showing her in the box. The NFL, paparazzi, and other media sources need to stop only focusing on the couple, and the couple’s family.
According to Yahoo Entertainment the attention on the National Football league has more than doubled since the rumors about the relationship between Taylor and Travis. Travis Kelce’s brother, Jason Kelce said “There’s paparazzi talking about him fueling his car before the game today and I’m like, ‘Is that really necessary information to share?’ This is another level of stardom that typically football players don’t deal with.” He and many others are recognizing the unnecessary focus on Kelce and Swift.
The Kelce family is also overwhelmed by the media that is continuing to follow Travis and Taylors every move. They say that they have had to be extra careful of what they say to the press due to the extra public attention they have received. The Kelce family’s personal cell phones and social media have blown up due to the new romance.
Taylor Swift’s appearance at games has boosted the views of games. Her attendance has led to the most viewership for a Sunday night game since the Super Bowl. A lot of celebrities go to NFL games. But they are not constantly on the screen. Taylor Swift isn’t the only celebrity at these games but she is the one who is getting shown on camera. If Travis scores, the camera shows Taylor dancing in the box with her friends. But what does that have to do with anything? People watch games to see football, not Taylor Swift.