The film Wonka, is a musical fantasy, directed by Paul King. It was released in theaters on December 15th, 2023. It is rated PG. In the classic movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory one of the main characters is Willy Wonka. He has a chocolate factory that kids can go to if they have a golden ticket. In the film Wonka, it tells the story of how Willy Wonka started his chocolate factory.
Wonka was an incredible movie. The actors and actresses played their roles very well. I thought it was well written. The movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory was originally a book. The book was by Roald Dahl, a famous author for children. Charlie and the Chocolate factory is a well known story that won many awards. One of the awards it earned was the New England Round Table of Children’s Librarians Award. It is a classic story that people still enjoy today. I also liked how Wonka was not a spin off of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, it was the prequel.
In the film Wonka, Willy is living off of the streets. He is taken off the streets and signs a paper. Little did he know that the paper said he owed the people who took him in. It was way more than he could afford. He found out he wasn’t the only one living in the house. Later he realizes that he will need to team up with the others who owe a debt to the housekeeper in order to sell chocolate and have his dreams come true. Willy and his friends will have to overcome struggles and conflicts if they want to succeed. Is their teamwork and friendship strong enough or will people be able to get in their way?
This film portrays friendship, teamwork, kindness, and so much more. Its message is to follow your dreams and to help others accomplish theirs. I really enjoyed watching this film. I rate this movie 5/5 stars. I recommend this movie to watch with family, friends or even by yourself. It has adventure, catchy songs, and of course chocolate!